A2L REFRIGERANT CONSIDERATIONS A2L refrigerants have been on the radar of the commercial refrigeration industry as promising alternatives to high global warming potential (GWP) hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. With a GWP of less than 300 and in some cases even below 150, some refrigerants [...]

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Foxconn El Salto - 111 ton=555 ton package

Ecochillers Case Study: Custom Package Unit for Foxconn El Salto Ecochillers has recently completed a significant project, delivering a custom package unit to Foxconn El Salto, a leader in the electronics manufacturing industry. This collaboration underscores Ecochillers' commitment to providing high quality HVAC solutions to [...]

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Importance of Preventive Maintenance

The Importance of Performing Preventive Maintenance on a Chiller Correct preventive maintenance is the key to prevent malfunctions in chilled water generating units, considerably reducing corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance performed properly allows detecting constant or repetitive failures, decreasing the probability of poor operation and increasing the efficiency of [...]

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Chillers for Tequila fermentation and distillation process.

Cooling system for Tequila fermentation and distillation process Good morning greetings from Bladimir Espinoza from Ecochillers, I want to share with you this project that was carried out in Capilla de Guadalupe, Jalisco where a couple of years ago we were given the opportunity to calculate, design, manufacture, install and [...]

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