Cooling system for Tequila fermentation and distillation process.

Good morning greetings from Bladimir Espinoza of Ecochillers, I want to share with you this project that took place in Capilla de Guadalupe, Jalisco where a couple of years ago we were given the opportunity to calculate, design, supply cooling equipment and pumping system in addition to carrying out the installation of chilled water pipes to the different processes of fermentation and distillation of Tequila.

York Chiller with a capacity of 300 tons of refrigeration each one, giving a total of 600 tons of refrigeration.

Chillers are used to lower and control the desired temperature in the distillation columns.

1 Guntner adiabatic drycooler with a cooling capacity of 500 tons.


This Drycooler with adiabatic system with a capacity of 500 tons of cooling was designed and selected to carry out a pre-cooling of the process where we were able to cool from 95°C to 35°C, this system was a great success because we were able to achieve energy savings of approximately 400 KW/HR.

Multipurpose pumping system

This pumping system is designed with spaces available for the installation of additional centrifugal pumps in the short, medium or long term.

Without further ado, we bid you farewell, remember that we are at your service for any advice, plant visit or design of chilled water cooling systems for any industrial process.


Bladimir Espinoza
Process Engineer

Cel / WhatsApp: 52 1 (33) 3808 7872

Cel / WhatsApp: 52 1 33 3149 9497

Office Phone: (33) 3122 2227 | (33) 5000 3300 | (55) 5351 2857

Email address: [email protected]

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